Difference Between HTML And HTML5

What is the Difference Between HTML and HTML 5?

If you’re a web developer, you’ve heard of HTML and HTML5. But what are they, and what’s the difference between HTML and HTML5? In this article, we’ll look at the history of HTML and explain what makes HTML5 so unique. We’ll also discuss some of the benefits of using HTML5 for website development. So if you’re curious about this hot new technology, read on!

What is HTML, And What Does It Do?


HTML is the primary markup programming language for creating web pages and other online content. This generic language uses HTML tags to mark up a document with formatting, such as text color, size, style; images; links; lists of items, etc. A web browser renders an HTML document by displaying the visible page following rules associated with its design. Let’s understand HTML vs. HTML5.

The purpose of HTML was to support hypertext navigation between different types of resources on the Internet. But it rendered HTML documents. Later on, it expanded and provided video content and scripts, and interactive elements like forms for collecting user input data.

It is a fundamental technology used in modern web development. It’s a markup language used to create web pages, and it’s used along with CSS and JavaScript to create dynamic and interactive websites. HTML is a standard technology supported by all modern browsers, so it’s a good choice for developing websites that a broad audience will use.

However, HTML5 is gaining an edge over HTML due to its new features and capabilities. Let’s see what is the difference between HTML and HTML5.

How Does HTML5 Differ From Older Versions Of HTML?


HTML5 is the latest version of the HTML standard, and it offers many new features and improvements over previous versions. It’s designed to make website development faster and easier and provide a better user experience for people who visit your site.

One of the most notable features of HTML5 is its support for audio and video playback. With HTML5, you can embed audio and video files directly into your web pages without using third-party plugins like Flash or QuickTime. This makes it much easier to create media-rich websites, and it also reduces the chances of users encountering problems when trying to view your content.

HTML5 also includes new elements that make it easier to create interactive web applications.

For example, the <canvas> element can be used to create games, data visualizations, and other types of interactive content. And the <svg> element allows you to embed vector graphics directly into your web pages. These new elements make it possible to create more prosperous, interactive websites.

For instance, HTML5 offers better error handling and improved performance when parsing and rendering web pages. And the new version of the language is much more forgiving of errors, so it’s easier to create well-formed code that will work correctly in all browsers.

Overall, HTML5 is a significant upgrade from previous versions of the HTML standard. It offers many new features and improvements that make website development faster and easier.

Difference Between HTML and HTML5

HTML is a markup language created in the early 1990s.HTML5 is the latest version of the language and was released in 2014.
HTML is a static language.HTML5 is a dynamic language that allows you to create more complex web pages.
With HTML, you need to use external plugins to add these features to your web pages.HTML5 offers new features such as video playback and drag-and-drop functionality.
HTML is less user-friendly.HTML5 offers better error handling and provides more information to users when something goes wrong.

Few More Differences Between HTML and HTML5

  1. Audio and Video Support
    • HTML5 comes with built-in support for audio and video
    • HTML requires external plugins for example Flash for multimedia content.
  2. Semantic Elements
    • HTML5 introduced semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <nav>, and <article>. These elements provide readability, give structure to code, and meaning to web pages, hence, making it easier for search engines to understand the content.
  3. Mobile Compatibility
    • HTML5 is mobile-friendly, making it efficient to build web pages accessed via mobile phones. 
    • HTML was not designed with mobile compatibility.
  4. Offline Storage
    • HTML5 has a local storage feature that allows web applications to store data locally on users’ devices or consumers’ devices. With this web applications can be accessed offline, making web applications more convenient and accessible.
  5. Doctype Declaration
    • One of the major differences between HTML and HTML5 is the doctype declaration. In HTML, the doctype declaration is written as-
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
In HTML5, the doctype declaration is much simpler and is written as:
<!DOCTYPE html>

Benefits Of Using HTML5

1. Easier To Use

Easy to Use

HTML5 is much easier to use than HTML. There are fewer tags and attributes to remember, and the syntax is more straightforward. This makes it quicker and easier to write code, saving time in the development process.

2. Better User Experience

Better User Experience

HTML5 offers a better user experience than HTML. The new features make it possible to create more interactive and responsive websites. This results in a more enjoyable experience for people who visit your site.

3. More Powerful


HTML5 is more powerful than HTML. The new features allow you to do more with your website, including adding multimedia content and creating sophisticated effects. This makes your site more engaging and impressive.

4. Faster Development

Faster Development

HTML5 enables faster development than HTML. The simplified syntax and new features make it possible to build websites more quickly. This saves time and money in the development process.

5. Future-Proof


HTML5 is the future of web development. The new features are designed to make website development more efficient and effective. This means that your site will be able to take advantage of the latest advances in technology as they become available.

Features of HTML5

HTML5 offers some features that HTML doesn’t have. Some of these features are:

  • Improved semantics: HTML 5 has new elements, attributes, and APIs that give developers more control over how content is presented and interacted with. This makes it easier to create meaningful and accessible web pages.
  • Offline storage: HTML5 can store data locally on the user’s device, so websites can work even if the user is offline. This is especially useful for mobile devices, where network connectivity can be unreliable.
  • Better performance: HTML5 includes features that make websites load faster and run more smoothly. For example, the new ‘async’ attribute on script tags allows scripts to load in the background without blocking the page rendering.
  • New elements: Some of the new elements in HTML5 include ‘article’, ‘header’, and ‘canvas’. These elements provide more semantics and structure to web pages, making them easier to read and understand.
  • New attributes: HTML5 has new attributes that give developers more control over presenting content. For example, the ‘contenteditable’ attribute can be used to make any element editable by the user.
  • Improved forms: HTML5 includes many new features that improve the way forms work. For example, the ‘placeholder’ attribute can be used to hint what they should enter into a field to the user.
  • Designed to be more interoperable with other technologies: One of the goals of HTML5 is to be more compatible with other technologies such as CSS and JavaScript. This makes it easier to create websites that work well across different browsers and devices.


Question 1. What is the difference between HTML and HTML5?

Answer – The key difference between HTML and HTML5 is that HTML5 is an updated version of the HTML language that offers many new features and improvements over previous versions.

Question 2. What are the new features of HTML5?

Answer – With HTML 5, you can create more complex and dynamic websites, sophisticated forms, and input fields. Also, you can use multimedia content, such as audio and video.

Question 3. Do we also see the difference between HTML and HTML5 interview questions?

Answer – Yes, there are differences between HTML and HTML5 interview questions. For example, HTML5 questions will focus more on new features and elements specific to HTML5, whereas HTML questions may focus more on general concepts and topics. Additionally, since HTML5 is still relatively new, interviewers may be more likely to ask questions about your experience with it and how you think it compares to other web development technologies.

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