Develop Your Python Skills To Become An Even Better Full Stack Developer
According to a StackOverflow survey, Python is the most preferred language. Python is one of the most demanded and accepted programming languages in the IT industry at current times. Python is a relatively simple language to learn, making it an easy switch for more and more people. It is widely used in data science, machine learning, and many other fields. Moreover, Python Developer Skills in 2023 for freshers or any experienced is highly preferred for backend, system administration, automating scripts, scraping, network programming, web development, and the list continues, making Python programming language highly sought-after. A survey conducted by JetBrains states that 85% of Python developers use it as their main, go-to language as opposed to 15% who use it as a secondary language. It is a powerful and impactful development language and several developers that have proficiency in Python programming language are being hired with high packages.

What Is The Role Of Python Developer In Full Stack Web Development?
A full stack web developer is more or less an all-rounder. Web development can be categorized into two parts: frontend and back end web development. A frontend developer works on ideating and designing the user interface of a website. They are involved in making the website look appealing and visually beautiful. A backend developer, on the other hand, engages with the hidden, more technical part of the website. For example, working with logic, handling requests, handling databases, and many more. A full stack developer is an amalgamation of both these roles. They are capable of constructing a complete web application since they possess the skills of both frontend and backend developers.
Let’s break down the Python developer top skills in 2023 and the responsibilities you will require to become a successful full stack Python developer
1. Excellent Debugging Skills
Python programming language is a beginner-friendly language and is said to be unchallenging to start with. However, there will be a plethora of scenarios where you expect a different, more accurate output or result rather than the one you have got. A few such cases can arise while working with the range () function (which can result in an off-by-one error), failing to close a file, division by a negative number (many a time resulting in an undesired number that rounds toward the negative part of the number line). This essentially makes the skill of debugging crucial to have. Some ways to debug are by simply printing out variable values, altering the path of the program, stopping the execution of certain events, and using a debugger.
2. Knowledge of Frameworks (Django or Flask)
Python requires the support of a few frameworks as it cannot perform backend development without them. There are mainly two Python frameworks available to do web development namely, Django and Flask.
Flask is a lightweight web development framework that one can conveniently learn without any difficulties. Flask is often used for smaller projects. Django is a bit hard to grasp in the beginning. It has a model-view-template architecture and has a lot of unique features. Django makes web development simple and powerful. Many Python developers are switching to these frameworks because of the sophisticated nature, security, ease, pace of build, and scalability these frameworks have to offer. Other popular Python frameworks include Falcon, Dash, CherryPy, web2py, and others.
3. List Comprehension and Slicing
Slicing and list comprehension is one of the most powerful features that Python developers can make use of. Slicing is applied to strings and lists and is responsible for carving out a part or subset of the list or string. It prevents you from looping through indices with messy if conditions and makes the code look elegant. On the flip side, list comprehension is a mechanism to create a new list based on an existing list or other structures like strings. This lessens multiple lines of the loop into a single-line and easy-to-understand syntax.
4. Utilization of Common Python Libraries
It is the libraries of Python that make it a compelling programming language. A large number of developers have developed numerous libraries to carry out many procedures faster, smoother, and safely. These libraries contain useful functions that eliminate the requirement to write code from scratch. Some famous libraries are Tensorflow for machine learning, PyTorch for computer vision and natural language processing, HTTP requests, and many more.
5. Usage of Python Shell
Python programming language provides a robust shell of its own that lets you execute commands in isolation and entirety. It is also called the REPL (read, evaluate, print, loop) which means it reads the command, evaluates it, prints the result, and loops back. The shell is a text-based command prompt. One can easily test code without having to explicitly create a file. As a Python developer with top skills in 2023, it is imperative to know how to use this Python interpreter as it can save a lot of time while testing out new pieces of code.
6. Familiar with ORM Libraries
Object Relational Mapper is a class of libraries that assists in converting and transferring data from the relational database into Python objects that are suitable to use in the application itself. A few examples of ORM in Python are Django ORM which comes inbuilt with the Django framework, Tortoise ORM, and SQLAlchemy which is mostly used with Flask. These are relatively efficient to SQL and help you save a lot of time by offering the freedom to opt for any other database while developing.
7. Core Python Concepts
Core Python Concepts lay a stepping stone for your journey in Python. One should think of mastering a few concepts like data structures and algorithms, exceptional handling, object-oriented programming (OOPs), packages, multithreading, functions, upgrading versions, generators, and iterators. They are of great help when you wish to be a powerful Python developer with a strong base. This is one of the most important Python developers top skills in 2023.
8. Readable Code with Proper Documentation
Since Python depends on tabs or spaces, there can be other scenarios where there could be bugs in the code and thus, it is a wise decision to maintain code in a readable format to make debugging easier. Additionally, python codes can be complex to understand at times and that is why proper documentation should accompany the code to make it more comprehensible.
9. Data-Related Skills
Python programming language is the most used when it comes to dealing with data-related technologies and domains like data mining, data analysis, machine learning, big data, and more. As Python supports most of the data-related tasks by providing libraries, beginning with these technologies would showcase you as a great Python developer.
10. Usage of Files
A lot of interaction with files is required while coding in Python. Whether you are working with data in data-related domains, or you are storing some results in a file, file handling becomes a crucial part of python related development and therefore one needs to know how to make the best use of and work with files in Python.
The above Python developer skills in 2023 are imperative for an aspiring full-stack Python developer. Surely, there are other Python developer skills you will need beyond these, however, if you master the skills mentioned in the list, any business would be glad to have you on their team!
All the best in earning your success!
Ans- A full stack developer is an expert who manages the server-side as well as the client-side of the web applications. They are a part of the development team that works on all the steps of the web application.
Ans- A full stack Python developer has expertise in using the Python suite of languages for all applications. Python allows computer systems to execute software and communicate with each other.
Ans- It is vital for a Python full stack developer to have a proficient understanding of frontend development, backend development, and databases.